Passenger Commercial


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Building No. 4018, Road No. 469,
Block No. 604, Al-Qarya.
Post Box No. 3044
Tel : (+973) 17 500 900 
Fax: (+973) 17 736 669
Opening Hours:
Saturday - Thursday,
8.00 AM to 7.00 PM


Building No. 1266, Road No. 4130,
Block No. 921, Sanad – Buhair.
Post Box No. 3044
Tel : (+973) 17 500 900 
Fax: (+973) 17 626 933
Opening Hours:
Saturday - Thursday,
8.00 AM to 7.00 PM




Building No. 1489, Road No. 2630,
Block No. 626, Nuwaidrat,
Sh.Jaber Subah Highway, Sitra
Tel: (+973) 17 500 900 
Fax: (+973) 17 702 704
Opening Hours:
8.00 AM to 7.00 PM


Ma'ameer – Service

Building 22, Road 15, Block 635, Ma’ameer
Tel: (+973) 17 500 900 
Fax: (+973) 17 701 551
Opening Hours (Commercial):
Saturday - Thursday
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Opening Hours (Passenger):
Saturday - Thursday,
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Parts Ma'ameer

Building 551, Road 3417, Block 634, Ma’ameer
Tel: (+973) 17 500 900 
Fax: (+973) 17 264 996
Opening Hours:
Saturday - Thursday,
7:00 AM to 5:00M

Motorcity Parts Salmabad

Building 1051, Road 419, Block 704, Salmabad
Tel: (+973) 17 500 900 
Fax: (+973) 17 879 190
Opening Hours:
Saturday - Thursday,
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Motorcity Parts Muharraq

Building 1239, Road 10, Block 215, Muharraq
Tel: (+973) 17 500 900 
Fax: (+973) 17 340 140
Opening Hours:
Saturday - Thursday,
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Motorcity Parts Arad

Bldg No. 1194, Road No. 4330, Block No. 243, Arad
Tel: (+973) 17 500 900 
Opening Hours: 
Saturday - Thursday,
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM